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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 6-3-2004 at 8:23pm
Current mood: disappointed
Music: Seether-Broken
Subject: I want to hold you up and steal your pain away.......
So school's over, and I'm not really happy, I'm not really sad, more so just relieved. This year has been the worse year I think I can remember, and I just want to forget about it. Maybe not forget, but move on. Then again I'm afraid the summer is going to make it more complicated.

I can tell that I hate work already. Tomorrow I have to work from 7 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon, and I don't even like anyone there. ughh oh well, it pays, that's all that matters. I'll deal with it.

I just wanted you to know, I love the way you laugh. I want to hold you high, and steal your pain. Cos I'm broken, when I'm open. And I let you get away. I don't feel strong enough ..anymore. The worst is over, we can breathe now.

I only hope.

You don't even see how you make me feel. I feel like nothing I do is good enough for either one of you. I try so hard to please you, to the point where I just feel like giving up, where I just don't see the point anymore. You never come to support me in anything, unless you count showing up at a softball game, just to leave 10 minutes later. I don't know if you've realized, but not once in my life have I ever heard the words "I'm proud of you" come out of either of your mouths. You want me to open up to you, to tell you things, but how can I when you look down on me for everything? Things you dont even know, better yet understand. I look at how you treat him, and it makes me sick to my stomach because I know how selfish he is, and I do everything you ask of me, and still you don't trust me, you still act like I've done everything to make you question my motives. I just can't take it anymore. I don't even want to talk to you , or look at either you when I'm home. I just want to be in a different room than you, I just want to ignore every word you say to me, so I don't take the chance of letting something get me down, because I don't need any of it, espically from my own parents.

I think this was the first year I wasn't too concerned about saying goodbye to people, because I just want to get away from everyone. I think when I'm not happy, I run away from people and I run away from my problems, causing more. ehh..I dunno, I'll see everybody again next year. I'm not too concerned. I said goodbye to Lindsey, cos I'll hardly talk to her all summer, but that's it.

Promise me that when I can't find the strength to pick myself up, when I have nothing left but tears, that you'll be there. I know you always say you will be, and I always think you to be honest, just please promise me.

Well next week me and Jess are going to Cedar Point, god I cannot wait! I look forward to Cedar Point all summer! It's mine and Jess's tradition now. 3 years! But this year I don't think we'll put the fake tanning to use. Lol, to say the least.

I love you.
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06-03-04 9:54pm

"Promise me that when I can't find the strength to pick myself up, when I have nothing left but tears, that you'll be there. I know you always say you will be, and I always think you to be honest, just please promise me."

yup, i do promise. heh.

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Re:, 06-04-04 4:37pm

I love that you know me too well :)

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