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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 6-3-2004 at 9:17pm
Current mood: content
Music: Blink 182
Subject: ..i swear that i can go on forever again..
ok.. so me and Lena just had a wonderful talk. lol, ya kno.. im glad she started talkin to me.. i feel as tho shes one of the only ones that actually understand me, and have some of the same views as me.. i hope she dont mind that im gonna put the convo in here..

GE r l g I r MS: hey
GE r l g I r MS: whats up
zgo0dcharlottez: hey
zgo0dcharlottez: n2m
zgo0dcharlottez: getting myself into fights
zgo0dcharlottez: other than that.. nothing
zgo0dcharlottez: u?
GE r l g I r MS: sorry about the other day i had an appointment thinger at child guidance 1230 and those things last long cause i was getting evaluated
GE r l g I r MS: with who?
GE r l g I r MS: nothing just got in now im doing nothing
GE r l g I r MS: just...perspiring
zgo0dcharlottez: i got threats from candace.. ive been fighting with josh since yesterday.. and now i got my closest friend flipping out on me
GE r l g I r MS: wow what was candace saying
zgo0dcharlottez: that she was gonna beat me up
GE r l g I r MS: she probably wont
GE r l g I r MS: like
GE r l g I r MS: if she has no reason to
zgo0dcharlottez: and while i was down there tryin to watch those girls.. i got "Yo! Shreks so manly!! Shrek, you look like a man!"
GE r l g I r MS: then she wouldnt
GE r l g I r MS: dont listen to anyone
GE r l g I r MS: but what you think is right
zgo0dcharlottez: and when we went to walk them home, some boy rode up to us on his skateboard and was like "yo candace said she was gonna fight shrek"
GE r l g I r MS: thats one thing ive learned
zgo0dcharlottez: and theyd say that and id be "o0o theres a new one"
zgo0dcharlottez: about the manly and fat thing
GE r l g I r MS: i hate that like when im friends with someone and another and they dnot like eachother
GE r l g I r MS: its weird
zgo0dcharlottez: yea i get that all the time
zgo0dcharlottez: like whats his name.. who was in charge of the kids.. he came up to where me and felicia were on the swings, and shes goes "what the fuck were they saying down there? i kno they were talkin about steff, what were they saying" so hes like "yea, they were all like 'poseur' and 'it looks like she wearing an intertube"" and i mean.. the fat shit dont bother me.. i kno im big.. and i dont hate it! lol
GE r l g I r MS: its kind of immature and petty of them to be saying that shit
GE r l g I r MS: well
GE r l g I r MS: it is
GE r l g I r MS: like i dunno
GE r l g I r MS: wehn im aroudn them i jsut dont say anything
GE r l g I r MS: i just think its dumb of them to make fun of someone they dont even know
GE r l g I r MS: and dont even take the time to get to know
zgo0dcharlottez: thats what that boy was doing.. well.. he said he laughed and he couldnt help it.. and i didnt care coz i laughed too.. i laughed coz they actually think that it offends me
GE r l g I r MS: what boy
zgo0dcharlottez: and thats what i say, they're sitting there judging me like they kno me.. and the only thing they really kno is my name and the type of clothes i wear
zgo0dcharlottez: the one with the girls
GE r l g I r MS: eaxactly
GE r l g I r MS: oh i dont know which that was
zgo0dcharlottez: ..uhh.. goalie
GE r l g I r MS: dan?
zgo0dcharlottez: no.. i think chris?
GE r l g I r MS: i dont know
GE r l g I r MS: you cant really tell who people are under those goalie suits
zgo0dcharlottez: lol yeah
zgo0dcharlottez: and while we were walkin away.. he was like "im gonna get all this shit coz of them seeing me walking with you" and i was like "well.. if they say shit or ignor you for hanging with whoever you want to hang with.. then they're not good friends"
GE r l g I r MS: exactly
GE r l g I r MS: people are dumb to like
GE r l g I r MS: follow rules of what tro wear or who to hang out with or what bands to like
GE r l g I r MS: its so dumb to me
zgo0dcharlottez: and think they're better than everyone when they're acually not
GE r l g I r MS: yup
GE r l g I r MS: its liek
zgo0dcharlottez: and yea.. im not gonna sto listening to a band i like just because THEY dont like them and im not gonna listen to a band i hate just coz THEY listen to them
zgo0dcharlottez: *stop
GE r l g I r MS: you must not be that good of a person if youre going to sit there and put someone down who you dont even know
GE r l g I r MS: just to hurt their feelings
GE r l g I r MS: exactly
zgo0dcharlottez: or at least think youre hurting their feelings
GE r l g I r MS: how is taht being a poser?
GE r l g I r MS: yeah
GE r l g I r MS: i dotn think youre a poser
GE r l g I r MS: thats one thing i dont like
GE r l g I r MS: theyre like
zgo0dcharlottez: i dont think anyone is poseur.. well.. cept for avril.. coz she called herself something that shes not.. otherwise (besides avril) i dont beleive int he word poseur
GE r l g I r MS: being all.... clique-y
zgo0dcharlottez: YES "clique-y" is the PERFECT way to describe them
GE r l g I r MS: i do only when i see people trying to fit into a certain social group or whatever say someone just dressing a certain way and listening to a certain music jsut to fit in with certain people
GE r l g I r MS: yup
GE r l g I r MS: like
GE r l g I r MS: people who try to be all gangsta
GE r l g I r MS: like wear the white tees and lsiten to nigger msuic and think oh im so cool and gangsta
zgo0dcharlottez: they stay within their own circle of friends and put down anyone whos they think is trying to be them.. when they're just not
GE r l g I r MS: yeah
GE r l g I r MS: like
GE r l g I r MS: how would they feel
zgo0dcharlottez: like.. half of them i could care less.. but some are like "well.. why does THAT ONE hate me" ya kno? i mean.. i dont have a problem with them.. and few have found that out.. like you and kevin.. and candace at first.. till kevin started talkin to me at work
GE r l g I r MS: yeah
GE r l g I r MS: thats why im like
GE r l g I r MS: if anyone doesnt want to talk to me cause im your friend
GE r l g I r MS: they can fuck off
GE r l g I r MS: cause ill be friends with whoever i want
zgo0dcharlottez: yeah, and that shows what a great friend they are to you, respecting your choices. they blow ppl off when they dont do what they would do
GE r l g I r MS: yeah
zgo0dcharlottez: i mean.. even with robyn and crystal.. me and crystal became a lil close at youth group.. and we'd talk and stuff.. and i let her borrow my boots for a concert and stuff.. and the one youth group thing im talkin to her and robyn and i tell them how at the time i liked frank.. and they didnt say anything.. then that monday i walk past robyn and frank in the hallway to my class and robyn goes "hey, there goes your girl friend"
GE r l g I r MS: thats dumb
GE r l g I r MS: oh well they are the ones being close minded and missing out
zgo0dcharlottez: lol yeah. being open minded opens you up to different situations and different turff so to say.. being close minded only keeps you in one sopt and those people wont get very far
zgo0dcharlottez: *spot
GE r l g I r MS: yup
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heh, 06-13-04 4:54am

well, I don't really know you, and vice-versa, but I was wondering if I could add you to my friends list. You seem really cool...If not, fine, just thought I'd ask...

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