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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 6-4-2004 at 7:03pm
Parents Names and Ages.:Steve and Nancy, umm just a guess but 42-43
Siblings Names and Ages..:Katti-21 and nick -17
Car Currently Driven.:Hmm that'd be nice, IF I could drive!
Current Residence.:6772 Wildwood Ct. , my parents home
Born Where.:Butterworth Hospital
How many cities have you lived in?:two
Countries traveled to?:none
Best Friend(s)?:Jess, and I have a few other
Dislike Who(m)?:eminem
Love?:I'm not in love
Always the Most Drunk?:Katie and Katie
Is going to die from drinking and driving?:...i dont know...i hope none
Most Talkative?:Linds
Hottest?:Dan or Mike
Ugliest? (come onnn answer it!):no...
Most Annoying?:noo...
Eats a crapload?:haha
Always will be there for you?:Jess
Bike?:a pink bike with those extra wheels
Best Friend?:Jess, hey what do you know, we're still bestfriend
Memory of Something?:going to chuckie cheese?
Kiss?:Kyle Harper
Break up?:Zak something in 4th grade
Pet?:Traper our dalmation
Funeral?:My Great Grandma Jess
Piercing/Tattoo?:my first holes in my ears
Voted for?:me and jess for bestfriend, mock elections, 8th grade
Apartment/House?:the one I was born into
Love?:I've never been in love
Heart Break? Baurer 8th grade
Sport Played?:Basketball
Rejection?:Zach Garnsey, 3rd grade
Most Recent...
Movie seen?:The Day after Tomorrow
Book read?:Gossip Girl
Cuss word?:Fuck
Food eaten?:jello
Drink drinken?:water
Crush?:Dan or Mike
Phone call?:Devon
Tv Show watched?:Real World
Time you showered?:when I got home from work 3 hours ago
Item bought?:mascara at rite aid today
Happy moment?:thinking for a second things might be okay again
Words Spoken?:"Get away from me Pepper, go lie down"
Time you slept?:I went to bed last night,a nd woke up at 5 for work this morning.
time wanting to die?:Last week
time in love?:never been in love
kiss?:I dont kiss and tell
underwaer worn?:my blue sparkley ones
What illegal drugs have you done?:none
Who have you made out with on your buddy list?:none of your buisness
What's the biggest lie you've told?:good question..
Most embarrassing moment?:ripping my pants at Tyler's
Biggest Guilty Pleasure?:haha the chair in that basment
Wierdest favorite food?:grapes
Ever made out with more than one person in 24 hours?:I dont think so
Ever had sex with more than one person in 24 hours?:I'm a virgin
Ever been on tv?:yes
What's the craziest thing you've done drunk?:I dunno
Stupidest?:Screamed pussya million times when me katie and katie hung out on her birthday
Favorite Cartoon when little?:Power Rangers, and I'll be the only one to admit to it!
What makes you cry?:thinking about when I mess up
What makes you smile?:being with my friends
What's goin onnnn?!
Reach farrr to your right. what're you touching?:nothing
Reach farrr to your left. what're you touching now?:computer modem
If you fell backwards right now what would you hit & how bad would it hurt?:Pepper sleeping ont he floor, and it'd hurt her more than it would hurt me
Grab a book. Page 183. Line 14. Write the whole sentence.:um how bout no
Would you like to tell me another sentence that is betteR? go for it.:nope
Why are you still doing this survey?:because im bored
Kick your leg out as hard as you can. What just happened? again, if I did my leg would smash into the computer desk
Go to bathroom, reach under sink without looking. What do you grab?i:no
What do you have hidden in your room from your parents?:...katies b-day present
Is there anything odd on your roof? you know we often don't look up.:umm no...just a satellite dish
What's the wierdest thing in your fridge right now?:something my mom made for dinner
Do you have an imaginary friend? Introduce us. NOW.:no
If you don't have one, would you like one?:no
What memories of boogers do you have from your youth?:i dont
In your childhood, what did you frame your siblings for that you did?:pulling down the blinds in mine and my sisters room
What would you do in timeout when your mom wasn't looking? away?
Would you sleep in timeout all night long to get your way?:no
backyard tragedies in your childhood?:getting hit with a baseball
ever been attacked by an animal?:lol only my brother
where was the coolest hangout when you were younger?wish you could go back?:chuckie chesse's
furthest place traveled?:flordia, new york, north carolina.. I dunno
something you wish I had asked and its answer.:idk
anything else you want to get off your chest?:that I'm bored

For those who love these! yay! brought to you by BZOINK!
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06-04-04 10:20pm

Biggest Guilty Pleasure?: haha the chair in that basment

Yeah, the chair in MY basement lol. Woooooooo baby.

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06-05-04 12:07am

always the most drunk,horniest and craziest wow you make me look so good lol

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