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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-7-2004 at 8:12am
Hey yall!!! ewww, I have a dentist appmnt.... and a eye one 2...*grand*! so yeah, I love how Brittany (Tara's friend) Keeps callin me a tramp, well, i finally told her off this morning.....

her comment:
your a muther fuckin whore if i was tara i would not only kcik your ass i would burry you .... you thynk his eyes are pretty and you and mitch talked alnoe thats taras man bitch get your own

My comment:

ey bitch, shut the hell up! I have a right to think his eyes are pretty, i told him that to his face.....Im not tryin to fukin steal the boy from her....and me n Mitch were friends b4 him n Tara went out, so i dont have to stop talking to him!!!!!! so shut the fuck up....If Tara wants to kik my ass let her come down here and do it, i dont give a fuck, i know what I did was wrong, but i dont know why the fuck yall r gettin sooooo upset when.....SHE ASKED US TO DO SOOOO MUCH MORE THAN MAKING OUT BUT ME N MITCH SAID WE COULDNT DO IT SO WE ONLY MADE OUT!!!! and I really love how u tell Tara ur her best friend....but only when Sara and COdy ann are grounded!!!!
SO yeah......thats bout it with that subject......I am really fed up with it, even tho I knew it was gunna least fukin Anthony, who doesnt like me very much can juss be neutral and listen to me w/o bitchin @ me....

Sarah, my phone died sorry.......I will call u later today....<<3!

Lisa, good job w/ ur shows....idk why I dont juss post a comment, to dam lazy I think......

iightii yall, im out!
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06-07-04 11:23am

thanks lol even though im really tired now!! call me sometime so we can hang out i called you this morning you werent home!! :0( K LOVE YAS

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