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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-9-2004 at 11:32am
Current mood: hot
Music: Trouble -Pink
Subject: summer is good
it is so hot!! goodness. toooooooo hot, must have cold air! *gasps for breath* dying!!!

so yea, tennis is sooooo fun. yesterday kinda' sucked. but yea, what can ya' do?? anyway, this summer is kicking butt so far. even though it's been around for less than a week. i'm having fun. it's especially fun to get to drive everywhere. i love it!!

ya' know i'm trying to find the name of this song... but i don't know where to look so maybe ya'll can help me out. here are the lyrics... some of them:
if i traded it all, if i gave it all away for one thing, just that one thing. if i sorted it out, if i knew all about that one thing, wouldn't that be something
So help me out if ya' can! Please and thank you.

Okay guys, advice. Should I apply at the new meijer...? cuz my lovely summer job is not gonna' be great since i have tennis starting basically the same time work does. i'm screwed w/ that one. so meijer sounds good but yea, i dunno.

well i suppose i'll leave you all now. much love and love much. go eat an ice cream cone and enjoy your day.

(that's boring, i need a new nickname... again)
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06-09-04 4:02pm

Yeah, about that summer job..

Am I ever going to get an application? You promised to get me one, and I haven't gotten one yet.

Where do I go if I want to get one?

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Re:, 06-15-04 2:04pm

didn't you get the e-mail i sent you about it?? if not, then i'll tell you here.
you need to go to the farm to get the application. you have to bring your social security card and a picture ID of yourself. if you need directions just ask and they shall be given. sorry about the wait my dear. much lovens.


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06-09-04 5:05pm

hmm let me see...a new nickname..................................i'll get back to you one that one

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Re:, 06-12-04 5:29pm

duh...Jaq!! i call u that all the time. wow that was simple.


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06-09-04 6:00pm

that song is called one thing by finger eleven.

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Re:, 06-15-04 1:50pm

thank you thank you thank you!

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<3, 06-10-04 6:48pm

How about..

That Jay

Yeah.. Praise me, for I the holder of all... Knicknames. o.o;



Knock knock knockin' on Heaven's Door.

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