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squishylover (profile) wrote, on 6-9-2004 at 8:03pm | |
Current mood: content Subject: Report card time! |
I got the ol' report card today, and I don't think I'm in trouble my mom thought I did ok. I got mostly all B's, 1 A, 1 C, and a D in chemistry meh I passed thats all that matters. My GPA went down a lil' from a 3.3 to a 3.1 so next year I have to bring it up. My goal is 3.5 let's see if I can get there. So I get to hang with Ryan and I'm not dead a point. IF THAT EVIL KNIVING BLACKMAILER doesnt do anything...HATE MUCH!!!! I would explain but theres things people shouldnt know. -Chasmin |
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loserxdork | 06-10-04 9:02am nice report card!<33