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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 6-10-2004 at 2:45pm
Current mood: crushed
Music: Amsterdam - Coldplay
Subject: Time off
I am taking a break from msn is all I suppose, because yeah contact through email. anyways, no talking to anyone directly.
Haha I just cut my hair because I was in a bad mood and it didn't turn out much as planned. lmao I cut it so I would have another layer in front, and now I just pretty much got bangs. lol they're long enough that I can just brush them off to the side. Ashley and Taylor was all like "omg moms going to kill you!!" dont pay much attention to me, and most definitly not to my hair. psychos. anyways, yeah I'm an emotional hair cutter. get called a name, cut my hair, ruin my favorite shirt, cut my hair. lol I've actually gotten quite good over the years....except this time. oh well, its just hair it shall all grow back :D
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06-10-04 7:14pm

Aww, sorry about your hair.

I'm sure it looks okay though. ;)

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Re:, 06-10-04 11:30pm

lol thank you, it dont look good 'less i go to great leangths to fix it. bah. lol im going to just keep it thrown up in a pony tail and clip the dreaded bangs up.
I got mah green olives tonight!!! ummmm caint live without them!!
lol love ya babe

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