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justanotherface (profile) wrote,
on 6-10-2004 at 8:06pm
Current mood: angry
_________ [4:48 PM]: dont fucking talk to me tonight
_________ [4:48 PM]: your afucking dumbass
Losersunite54321 [4:48 PM]: yep
Losersunite54321 [4:48 PM]: bye
_________ [4:48 PM]: if your fucking nicknames a whore
_________ [4:48 PM]: i'll fucking call you a w hore
_________ [4:48 PM]: is that what you want
Losersunite54321 [4:49 PM]: keep jumpin sweetie come on lets hear it lets go
_________ [4:49 PM]: my fucking girlfriend is no whore
_________ [4:49 PM]: i swear to god id be in jail right now if i was there
Losersunite54321 [4:49 PM]: what would you do fuckin beat me up not like it hasnt been done before
_________ [4:50 PM]: your just a stupid asshole
_________[4:50 PM]: that someone calls you a whore and you fucking think thats your nick name
_________ [4:50 PM]: when you fucking realize your nickname is not whore, and you change it, call me okay
_________ [4:50 PM]: goodnight
Losersunite54321 [4:50 PM]: im the asshole....hun me ashley and taylor call ourselves whores all the time i wasnt just refering to what he said
_________ [4:50 PM]: im not going to believe that
Losersunite54321 [4:51 PM]: god ive known the fucker for what a week and youthink that im living by what he says thanks
Losersunite54321 [4:51 PM]: then dont
_________ [4:51 PM]: go fuckyourself
_________ [4:51 PM]: call me when you dont call yourself a whore
_________ [4:51 PM]: or fucking believe what ryan the asshole says
_________[4:51 PM]: bye
Losersunite54321 [4:51 PM]: your an over reacting asswhole
Losersunite54321 [4:52 PM]: but whatever sweetie...maybe i should go base my life around what this guy says
Losersunite54321 [4:52 PM]: ya know if thats what you think so much
_________ [4:52 PM]: check profile
_________ [4:52 PM]: goodnight and talk to you when you grow up
_________ [4:52 PM]: and dont call yourself degrating shit

*I fuckin introduce myself (jokingly) as the fuckin bisexual whore. But oh know he wont fuckin believe that will he. God dammit. Why do people have to be so stuck in there fuckin ways.*
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thats okay, 06-11-04 1:13am

im sure he just doesn't want you calling yourself degrating things, jokingly or not.

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