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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 1-19-2003 at 12:45pm
emotional fuck-wits.

oh and to you, you self absorbed bastard, fuck off. Fuck-wit.

Anywhoo, an excellent weekend so far :0)

Fri: Jessie & Tamara came over & then we went 2 Dennys w/Chris.

Sat: music theory class, piano lesson, gota call from Steven Chris telling me he won 4 matches but ended up breaking his nose lol around 9ish Shaun & Marc picked me up & we went 2 c Steven Chris' broken nose (I couldn't tell) but he put his wrestling spandex on and oh boy let me tell you... lol Well.. I"ve got pictures!!!! We left Steven Chris' and Shaun gave me the grand tour of west Boca & where they all grew up. Then we tried to go to Wendys but the damn place wasn't open. Some obnoxious kids were screaming at the drive thru thing, it was quite amusing. Then we ended up just pointlessly driving to Hillsboro where we ended up at Checkers. On the way there Chris decided to get naked and I got a pic of that too :0P Lets see.. after Checkers we ended up at Don Carters where the first thing we hear when we walk in is "And now, updates from the thong contest..." they were trying to get me to pull down my skirt but nope. no can do from Vivi haha. We got back in the car & Chris got naked again. We tried to find Shawn and Teirney but they were nowhere to be found so we dropped Chris off at 12:30 and drove to the other Chris' house where we sat in Shauns car & talked for a good hour & a half. We discovered that I can put my legs behind my head lol approx 2AM i got returned and.. i went to sleep?

Sun: Orchestra today ... urghh.

I'm guna be in a ska band?? haha yes i am :0)
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01-19-03 2:02pm

:smiles politely:

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Re:, 01-20-03 7:47am


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01-19-03 3:05pm

OOOO a ska band? Vi, you are just too cool for school. Can I come see you play? =)

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01-19-03 8:53pm

NO FAIR!!! I want to be in a ska band!!! Too bad I only know a couple of horns and a bass player here.

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a little ska band on your street, 01-20-03 8:49am

hooray. i'm on my way to starting a garage-rock band.

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01-20-03 5:28pm

have fun kids... i am out... peace...

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Re:, 01-20-03 11:04pm

i guess i don't blame you if you hate me but i really am sorry.

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pictures, 01-21-03 10:06pm

Something about all the naked picture references worries me...
-Naked kid in front seat.

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hrm, 01-22-03 10:29am

is chris hot?......... if so please sned pictures to the "brittney has sexual frustration" fund, thank you for your generous support.

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