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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote, on 6-13-2004 at 8:33pm | |
Music: Usher- Burn (those calories...) Subject: Twas a Day |
I've been feeling rather akward these past few days. Sometimes I feel so pointless. I feel pointless for writing in this journal, because no one reads it, at the maximum about two, or maybe not even... It never seemed to matter much before, before it always seemed I was only writing it for myself. But it would be a hell of a lot easier to use a regular paperback diary, instead of the phony one on here- because really are we able, mentally and physcially, to put all of our true feelings on this public web page? I didn't think so. You know that feeling you have sometimes, you're stuffed but you still have the desire to eat something? It has been haunting me all day today, and I currently feel like either throwing up- or ripping my stomach open. I can feel leftovers in the middle of my throat, not a good sign I like to think. Ha, I just saw a ghost at the end of my street, but then it started moving and I realized it was the obese neighbor next door. Society doesn't seize to dissapoint me. Even as this weekend might have been uneventful, I've been overwhelmed my decisions and thoughts. My father, for example, sent me an e-mail about three days ago, and silly me- I still have not replied. I am procrastinating, but I cannot drag it on much longer, or he will come after me with a stick. Or well... Some other object. I was informed that my stepfather, Matthieu, has been offered a promotion, does he go back to Eindhoven, The Netherlands. He has accepted, and off we go. Not until next summer though, not to worry. Not too sure whether I am telling myself that, or others. Actually, I am looking forward to it. It's been a real drain, living so far away from your family, and this way I will be able to visit Denmark more often- without getting caught up in too much Marstrand drama. And I will be able to live a lot more independently, not having my parents lurr around me like hungry police dogs. Oh, and the best one ultimately, I will be able to drink a lot more. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. As the world turns, *Mette |
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brownsugar | 06-13-04 9:32pm ur leavin! oh yah u fucking conveniently forget to tell me u loser.