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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 6-14-2004 at 3:55pm | |
Current mood: thoughtful Music: Save a horse (ride a cowboy) - Big & Rich |
I just apologized for yelling at him...then he "might not respond because he is set to busy". so...I don't know what to think. It might be someone else in his family but I don't know. I'm done with it. We need to talk to see if were going to stay together or not, but he'll have to approach me first. Anyways, the weather finally made it up to 95 degrees. Dad has yet to fix the a/c so I'm going to like have a heat stroke. I'm all alone, and I need to do the floor, but it is way to hot to do anything. I did the dishes and almost freakin passed out it was so hot. lol I'm pamperd, I'm not used to the hot weather. Everyone went to Neosho because mom had a yearly checkup and Taylor might have broken her hand (she spent the night with her friend Lamore, and fell down the stairs twice. Just remember I never said she was bright) and she had to get it x-rayed and so everyone just went along to go shopping, and I was going to, but I woke up with a killer migraine, and sitting in front of this stupid computer is killing me, but yeah...I want to talk to Kelly. Anyways, yeah, they were going to go shopping too and I'm missing out :-( probably gonna get chinese food too :'( I hate making faces, just wish there was a little "pick the face you want" thingy like on MSN or Yahoo! messenger. *sighs* oh well. I've got to go pee so later. Rachel |
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whispers-to-a-scream | 06-14-04 9:15pm 95%! yahhoo for you!