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Glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 6-14-2004 at 5:14pm

I do feel bad, because of what's already happened, but....that's just life.
He's so sweet, nice, and genuine. He isn't shy at all, he doens't just say what you want to hear, he says what he means. He makes me feel really good, and understands where I am coming from when I speak my mind, and even if he doens't, he at least respects what I have to say.
I don't know where it's going to go, I honestly don't know if it even can go anywhere, because of certain circumstances, but I'll be really glad if it does. If not, I'm still glad just to be where I am right now.
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06-14-04 8:17pm

Who knows what can happen.

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