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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 6-14-2004 at 10:58pm
Current mood: aggravated
Music: buzzing
Subject: Bend and Not break
I'm talented at breathing
Especially exhaling

It's weird...I stayed up late last night and woke up at 5:30am laughing. I went to school and had a good day. Then I went to work and my mom just slaughtered it. Well, she began the slaughtering and then everything else that could took there slice. Whatever, I suck.

When does it stop?
Im torturing myself.

So to get off topic...Tomorrow is my last day of classes as a junior. We get out at 12:30. Thats pretty cool. Then I have finals all week. If I dont get to myself this week is going to be really good and the weekend even better.

I dont know why I was just thinking of this but I wonder if there is anywhere in the world where it is totally quite. No cars, machines, people, banging and if that werent hard enough to find, I wonder if there is a place where there are no crickets or other little insects that buzz the night or day away. Mayber underground its quite. If you were barried alive could you hear people walking above you? Even in space there is noice because the spaceships are there so not even the astronauts get complete silence. Its just wierd to me.

Im so done...on to the next activity

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06-20-04 9:51pm

antartica its quite there...road trip?

<3 Lisa

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