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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-15-2004 at 2:39pm
Current mood: cheerful
Music: Incubus - Talk Shows on Mute
Subject: I love this song
One Thing

Restless tonight
Cause I wasted the light
Between both these times
I drew a really thin line
It’s nothing I planned
And not that I can
But you should be mine
Across that line

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

I promise I might
Not walk on by
Maybe next time
But not this time

Even though I know
I don’t want to know
Yeah I guess I know
I just hate how it sounds
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06-15-04 3:10pm

Egh. I can't work at the farm. I've heard that you get blisters from working there, and I can't afford to gain those if I'm going to be in the pit. It'd be extremely painful to hold the mallets during practice. I already gain a bazillion blisters from just doing that.

Blegh. It's not a "girly" little problem, it'd just be difficult to play with torn up hands.

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Re:, 06-15-04 3:21pm

justine i am stalking journals and i went to michelle's friends page and just read this and GIRL you can work at the farm. i do!! and i'm in pit!! lol so if you want to work there then do it because you dont get bad enough blisters to not be able to hold the mallets. i've worked there for 2 years and this will be my third ... it's not hard work and good pay so i suggest working there if you need a job.

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Re:, 06-19-04 4:55pm

jessie's right. i don't think i've ever gotten a blister to tell ya' the truth... and i've worked there two years too. so it's cool if ya' don't wanna', but you don't have too much to worry about.

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06-15-04 5:32pm

i've never heard that song before...sad...

oh remember...look like a seatbelt
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Re:, 06-19-04 4:57pm

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forgot the nose... all this time we forgot the nose... jeezzz.

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Re: Re:, 06-19-04 10:09pm

ah yes the nose
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how could we forget?

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