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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-15-2004 at 10:18pm
Name?: Sara
Age?: 14
Date of Birth?: 12.28
Birthplace?: CC, Fl
Birthparents?: n/a
Do you regret being born?: yea
Do you wish you were born a different gender?: no
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: I would be prettier
Grade?: 9th
Are you good in school?: Uh, I guess
What areas are you completely horrid in?: math
What areas do you excel in?: language arts, reading
Do you have many friends?: yea
What role do you occupy in your group?: The out going one
Are you happy with yourself?: no
What do you hate about yourself?: That I am over weight
What do you like?: My personality (most times)
What would you want to change?: I wanna be skinnier
Are you going to have a future?: yeah
Do you want to have a future?: yea
Do you plan to graduate from high school?: yes
Are you going to go to college?: prolly
What do you plan to major in?: Hopefully psychiatry(?)
What job would you want to have in the future?: psychiatrist
Where do you want to be 10 years from now?: Living in NY w/ either BFF or bf/husband
Do you want to get married?: yea
Do you know who you want to marry?: yeah
Do you want a conventional wedding?: No.I wanna have one on the beach
Would you be the bride or the groom?: bride
Do you want to have kids?: yea
How many?: 2
Do you prefer female or male children?: Doesn’t matter
Why?: Bc I would <<3 them juss the same
Are you religious?: Yes
Why or why not?: Bc I believe what I do and that’s all there is to it, altho, I some times go against my religion w/ the whole which craft thing
Where do you think you are going to go when you die?: Onto someones china cabinet
Do you want to die?: yea
Do you fear death?: no
Did you like this survey?: eh
based on the questions I have asked you do you think you woud like me?: ur gay
Do you want to meet me?:
Do you want me to go away now?: YES

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06-16-04 7:56pm


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