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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 6-16-2004 at 11:37pm
Subject: I’ve decided that I don’t like double spacing after periods
It’s like a steel ball attached by rusty chain links gripping my leg. As I drag it through the sand, creating a valley for disturbed insects to shake their fists at me as I pass by, they quickly retreat to make a new home and to avoid the sweltering heat. The abyss of the black appendage soaking in everything that looks into it. Even the brilliantly orange orb above cannot penetrate the darkness. Yet it still taunts me. And the others don’t help either, they encourage the taunting. I look at their steel balls attached by rusty chains, and that’s not what I see. I see floating fairies listening intently. I see books bouncing, spewing letters and words and paragraphs, inviting a plethora of knowledge. I see hearts bleeding, and swelling, and crying, and laughing. I also don’t see deserts waiting to roast the soles of their feet. I see vast oceans of meadow with sporadic white flowers littered here and there. I see colorful lakes, surrounded by rocks and forests. I see exciting roller coasters full of the wonderful things in our hearts. So why am I living in the desert dragging this damned black steel ball with rusty chain links creating valleys and pissing insects off?

I hate when the phone rings and cuts off the flow.
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06-17-04 12:53pm

Fiorenza! When do I get to talk to you again? I need a music/work/life update soon.

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