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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 6-18-2004 at 7:07am | |
Current mood: geeky Music: Silhouettes - Smile Empty Soul Subject: I WANT MY BED!! |
it is way to fucking early omg *hits head on desk* so not used to getting up before at least 9 something, and iv been up since freaking 6. Curse my mother!!! moms picking me up on her lunch break, we are then making our way to the scary "i have a stethascope up my ass" doctor. do Not know what they have in store for me, but all i can say is if they go behind me and they still got that damn stethascope in their hand, hell even if its around their neck, im confiscating it. umm...i have Rough and Ready in my head and it wont leave so im gonna sing the part that i have stuck in my head. maybe it will leave me then!:D --got a hot date girl named kate she thinks im cool cause i shoot straight-aint one thing about her fake shes long and tall and she goes great with cold beer hot wings wranglers scoal ring get just what you see gun rack ball cap dont take no crap aint a pretty boy to ill rock you steady rough and ready wel you are who you are thats alright with me but i am who i am and thats all i can be and then the whole chorus repeated. but i do love that song. and...nope didnt work still stuck in my head. wtf its freaking cold right now. lord my boobs are gonna go right ahead and freeze off. shit. alright im going back to bed screw this shit. night! afternoon! morning! ha there no matter where anyone lives i didnt leave ya out:D lmfao later «Rachel« ahh! i finally made it over 200 update thingys!! yay! this here is 201 thank you very much. minor thing to most...but makes my day. lmfao not really. getting in bed would though with someone to snuggle with ...dude wheres ashton when you need him? GET OFF THE SET OF PUNK'D AND COME TO ME!! I WILL LOVE YOU AND HUG YOU AND MAKE YOU MINE! |
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whispers-to-a-scream | 06-19-04 5:19pm why dont you have your bed? |
Butterfly | Re:, 06-19-04 11:09pm haha nah i just worded it weird. i gots my bed :-D |