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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-19-2004 at 8:41pm
Current mood: complacent
Music: Thong Song
Subject: I'm in the mood for the beach now!
Summer time puts everything in a new perspective. You don't see everyone everyday like you do during school so you have more time to think about people and things. analyze things. well that's just what i've been doing. i realized that people i didn't think i cared about a lot, i care about the most. people i thought i did care about i don't. and people who i loved being with, i'd love to get away from. it's crazy. so i have now decided that school just keeps me from thinking straight and i should just boycott it for getting in the way of my true education.

i want to go dancing. i want to take some of my best friends and just go to a club. i can't stand this whole stuck in the house thing. when songs that are dancable come on the radio i almost die if i can't dance. so i just do... alone. pathetic much! lol. i'm hopeless. so someone needs to volunteer to go to a club with me... don't care which one. just a club w/ some friends... now don't even try to tell me that it doesn't sound fun!?

okay i'm gonna' get going now. much love ya'll.

-Slothy Poo-

if anyone wants to go play tennis sometime next week... i'm totally willing. *cough*heather*cough* (just cuz i know you want to... you know you do!!)
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06-19-04 10:07pm

lol but of course m'dear. merely call!

and which category am i in???

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Re:, 06-20-04 9:32pm

yay! heather's gonna' play w/ me!!! *smiles*

you are in the category of people who i cared about who i still care about just as much if not more than i used to. i wuv you heather!!! lol.

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06-20-04 9:57pm

i'll boycott it with you!!!!!! unless of course i am one of those unlucky people who you don't care which case i would cry my eyes out lol ok lub ya

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Re:, 06-21-04 2:50pm

you're not in that group. no worries! i love ya'.

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