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Glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 6-21-2004 at 11:27pm

This hurts alot more than it should. You know...that's what I think I should say, but what I really think is this meant so much to me, you were everything I thought I wanted, and I thought it was going to go someplace, and now it's not. This is my fault. And once again, I'm the crushed un-happy one.

I just don't understand anything, ever...*sigh*lkfa';dkf;al'sdkf;a'lsdkf

I don't know how I even feel, I can't put it into words, I just want to sleep it all off.
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06-22-04 9:17am

aww jess.


i love you!

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Re:, 06-22-04 10:33am

thanks sweets

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