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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-22-2004 at 4:09pm
Current mood: indifferent
Music: Silence... mostly
Subject: W.W.J.D.
This is going to be a vent session, you have been warned.

Today's been funish. We went out for breakfast at Perkins... they have the best pancakes EVER EVER EVER!!! lol. Well, they do. Then we went grocery shopping at meijer... which is never fun... but there were some people who were fun to look at... *wink*. What? Like you've never noticed that?? But anyway. Then we came home and now my mom and sister are at Calvin to check it out to see if Steph want's to go there. I went to one of the college tours w/ them... the one through U of M. I loved it... it's so big and there's always something to do. But Steph hated it... she said it was "too big". Odd how people who've lived together all their lives can be so different. But anyway, back to today. I am about ready to strangle Steph. See I drove everywhere we went today and she yelled at me for everything that I did. One time I was too close to the curb and I realized it... so as I was moving away from it, she screams at me (literally, screamed) to get away from it. And the whole time she's muttering about how if I drive places she should just stay home, and how she doesn't trust me w/ her life in a car, when our parents tell me that I'm so much better a driver than she is and that they're glad because Steph was hard to deal with and they are still afraid for her when she drives even though she has her lisence. I'm not allowed to tell Steph that... but if they hadn't said I wasn't the second she snapped at me she would've known what they said. Ugh. I just don't even know. She's so amazingly stupid sometimes.

Vent session over.

So this weekend we're going up to Mackinaw Island with my aunt and uncle and cousins. It should be pretty fun. I love Emalie my lil' cousin and Brad's awesome too. But Abby, I dunno, I could do without her. She got in a lot of trouble not too long ago. She was into drugs and drinking and sex... stuff she shouldn't have been into at the age of 16. She ended up getting into an accident while riding with some guys who were high... they left her for dead on the side of the road and took off. Fortunetly when they came back the police got them. Abby was really banged up though... she broke her neck and she had to have a couple surgeries. It was awful. But the thing is, though she's better, she's still like that. I hate it. Ugh, don't people learn anything from near death experiences?!?! But anyway, the trip should still be fun. My grandpa and abuelita are coming too. Grandpa's shaped up a lot since he met Isa. I'm glad. They're both really fun!!

Well I got to go now. Talk to ya'll later. Much love.

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06-22-04 9:16pm

siblings are weird like that. on some things they are totally oposite but on a lot they are soooo alike. you and steph really are quite a bit alike overall.

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Re:, 06-24-04 9:13pm

yea. kinda'. but anything we disagree on turns into a big fight... it's soo annoying!! ugh. i just don't know.

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06-26-04 10:42am

but you i take it..we all need one of those 'brittany cousins' so they can suck all the bad genes out of our blood! right? right!

love ya

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Re:, 06-27-04 4:08pm

right, but come to find out... she's pretty cool sometimes. odd, huh?

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Re: Re:, 06-28-04 5:12pm

yeah.....brittany's not...not usually anyways.....maybe like when she's giving me something...hehe just kidding...luv ya

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