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Glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 6-24-2004 at 9:13am

First of all, I cannot believe I'm up this earlie. Anyhoo, so I'm listening to a message, this long, crazy message Linds left last night, lol and I'm laughing b/c my Lindsey is just so...funny lol and I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing and I totally pushed Pepper because she was in my way. I just you know, shoved her with my knee, and the dog lol fell down the stairs, and she's like crying as she fell. I KNOW I KNOW, it sounds SO terriable, but she's fine. I just wish Jess could have seen it, it was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. lol so I had to listen to Lindsey all over again. lol oh well.

Just felt like sharing..
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06-25-04 12:11am

oh boy! funny shit! heh.

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