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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-27-2004 at 4:08pm
Current mood: drained
Subject: Up north was joyful!!
Hey all! I'm back from Makinaw! It was awesome! I had such a good time, I wanna' go back and do it again. So here's how it went:

Day 1: drove up w/ uncle gary, abby, emalie, brad, and steph. went swimming and shopping. ate at Dixie's Saloon where my aunt stole a glass for my mom... i do hope you get why.

Day 2: got up way too early and ate breakfast at the hotel, it was mucho good! then took the farry to Makinac Island and walked around. then uncle gary, dad, mom, steph, grandpa, brad, and i went to the car show in St. Ignace. see we knew the car show was in St. Ignace... but no one told us that it WAS St. Ignace. the place had cars EVERWHERE. we only got through about half... maybe not even that. but i was tired and uncle gary's back was hurting... so we left. but it was still fun. then we went shopping again and went swimming. then we went out to dinner. it was a really fun day.

Day 3: we got up, a little later than we had the day before, and got ready. we went to breakfast in shifts... but ended up all there at one point. then we got packed and headed down to check out and go home. we told everyone good bye and headed on home. we got here around 2 today. i got to drive a little so it was cool.

That trip was SO fun!! I got to hang out with my wonderful cousins more and everyone else too. Thing is, we had joined rooms. So we left the doors open basically all the time. Well, that was kinda' odd at points. It wasn't very private and it was kinda' weird seeing a guy my age before I even get the chance to take a shower. Seriously, it is.
The whole trip basically I hung out w/ Brad. He's soo cool! He always rode w/ us in the van instead of w/ aunty jeri so we had lots of oppurtunity to talk. It's cool, cuz he's my age so we have a lot in common. He's the only person my age who has parents who hang out w/ mine. But it took until I was older for this to happen cuz his dad and my aunt didn't get married until I was like 12. But yea, Emalie made me go outside so she could play basketball with him. She lost Sooo badly at horse. Brad was just trying to show off. But he said that if you shoot the ball and make a wish, if you get a basket your wish will come true. That it's actually worked. So I told him to prove it, he made a wish (not out loud) and shot and made it. He said he'd tell me if it came true... apparently it didn't. But it is pretty cool, I'll have to try that sometime. Like when I actually have something to wish for.

So yea, that's my weekend. Hope all of you had as much fun as I did. Much lovin'. Hasta Luego!!


Heather, at that car show there were 2 really awesome cobra's. One was a kit car and it was for sale for $14,000. And if ya' wanna' see them I may have happened to take a couple pictures for ya'... lol.

bye again.
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06-27-04 5:04pm

I AM SOOO JELOUS!!!!!!!! i wanted to go to the car show figuring there would be some sweet cars... but COBRAS!!!! i've never been that close to one before. that's sooo awesome!!!!!!!!! now i just have to figure out how to get $14,000.... hmmm maybe the parents..... lol that's awesome jaq

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Re:, 06-29-04 5:48pm

yea, it was awesome! i'll give ya' the pics. you could have a garage/ lemonade sale w/ a car wash part too! lol. that'd make ya' money!!! hehe. j/k.

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