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kalika9037 (profile) wrote,
on 6-27-2004 at 8:02pm
48 days until I leave for UF. That is unreal to me. I nave this countdown running in my head, and the closer I get to it I don't just get more and more excited, I also start to freak out a little bit more that I'm running out of time with Steve.

Richelle and Laura are gone and I miss them already. Because they were both leaving on Friday, we went out Thursday night. Laura was working so Richelle and Michelle and I went to see Stepford Wives first which I actually liked. The theater was completely empty except for us and we all got in for free because Geoff Radka works there, which was a nice surprise. I asked him about Ashlee, he says he doesn't talk to her, that she moved out two weeks ago and is living by herself in Miami. Combined with everything I had heard about her already over the years, I was sad to hear that. She was a great friend a long time ago. Anyway, after that we met up with Laura, Alberto and Steve at the pool hall. We all shot embarrassingly sad but it was still fun. Laura keeps telling us how excited she is that we'll be up there with her this fall so she actually has people to do things with. She's been dying for someone to play tennis with and I've actually been trying to get back into tennis for a while now, so we'll be playing a lot this fall. Laura left for Canada Friday morning and I already got an email from her yesterday telling me how happy she was to be competing again. She's an awesome dancer, I know she'll win tons of money there. She's going to be in Canada for two and a half weeks, be home for only a week, and then leaves for Coasta Rica for another two weeks. She gets back from Coasta Rica at nine o'clock the night before fall classes start. I'm guessing she'll be missing her first classes that next day.

Richelle is now already in Gainesville for her summer session. Although I like being home for the summer, I'm a little jealous that she's already up there having fun and living out on her own. I have to email her tonight.

I can't believe how many people I've already lost touch with, it's depressing. I occasionally still talk to Nina but we don't hang out. I know we will once we get up to UF though, it's just hard to do with everyone's schedules and living so far away here. I haven't talked to Jill in forever although her boyfriend Mike works during the day at the Y so I see him every day. He's drilled it into my kids that it is a serious mission to splash and spit water and harrass me during the entire hour of swim time. The last time I went swimming I must have swam twenty laps back and forth trying to get away from these kids while he laughed his ass off in the lifeguard chair. Bastard, you'll get yours. I'm still close to Jenn which I'm very happy about but I haven't talked to Jessica or Michelle at all. It was by mutual choice that Hillary and I have lost touch, niether of us would care to ever see each other again, which is sad because she really has no friends except her sister's friends and she'll be screwed when they graduate. Oh well, I tried.

I'm giving my word of honor right now to make more of an effort to hang out and talk to these people again.
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<33, 07-04-04 11:17pm

im so very glad that we became such great friends in such a short period of time and that we've stayed that way since school ended. im gonna miss you so much when you leave for school. the days fly by and soon you'll be gone =[ makes me very sad. what am i gonna do without you?! who's gonna help me with guy problems, or my science class?! lol .. and who's gonna talk to me about staying away from guys like austin, or giving me words of wisdom when they're so very much needed. eagle-ettes just wont be the same without you there. i'll miss very much dancing with you at the shows or goofing around at fundraising shin-digs lol .. oh, and cant forget the socials. those were always the best! for those reasons, and many many more, i will miss you so much more than you'll ever understand.
i dont know how i would have survived this year without you. im so lucky to have the bond that the two of us have. i'll miss you so much when you go away. we definately need to make sure that we dont ever lose touch! i'll write you every day! =] and no worries, i'll make sure to see you in atleast two yrs .. when im a student at UF!! <33
much love,
jenn <33

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