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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 6-29-2004 at 12:39pm
Current mood: blah
Music: cowboys like us - george strait
ho hum so much to say yet so very little.
i dont even remember when i last wrote, but ill start with this weekend, friday night i sat around the house and talked to karl untill 9:00 when monk came on and then at 10:00 csi came on so i watched it and then i got back on at 11:00 and didnt get off untill around 4:30 or some time around there. then i had to get up at 7:00 and clean and do a bunch of crap that i didnt want to do. i had to clean the freaking ceiling fans for petes sake. anyways at around oh...4-5 i got ready for the rodeo. i didnt get to go to any of them but the Very last freaking one. usually i go all three nights. i was so mad. anyways, my friend kendra introduced me to this guy rick and he was nice enough and whatever but nope, not ready to get back in the game quite yet. im definitly not in mourning, i just Still want to know what happend. anyways, sunday...nothing happend at all. went to church came home ate didnt feel good so i took a nap, and ended up not going to the evening service. then yesterday ash tay and i were cleaning off the deck and trevor was in the yard playing with this chain thing and he dropped it on his foot and it almost cut his middle toe off. we called mom and it usually takes her around 35-40 minutes to get here, and she got here in freaking 15 minutes. lol she put on her little siren thingy for when they go to fires, and yeah everyone got their asses outta her way, then we went to where dad was working and he was waiting for us and then he looked at it and said that it wasnt to bad (but yes it was hes just used to freaking horrible looking cuts and shit because hes always hurting himself on the sites and stuff) and he said that the doctors wouldnt even stitch it up, so we went to the supercenter and got that liquid bandaid thing then went to the mall and shopped for awhile i got a shirt with some coffee shop logo on it and a pair of jeans and yeah we ate and came home. today....nothings happening. me and ash are sick so weve been sprawled out all over the living room and trevors been watching movies with his foot propped up and taylors at grammas. anyways, i gotta go help ash start the grill. lmao were both scared its going to explode and blow up on us so...yeah. lol
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06-30-04 1:24pm

hot damn. I was about to write you a long ass comment, but I've gotta piss, so It'll have to wait.

Sorry. Iwrite it in a minute,,,

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Re:, 06-30-04 3:49pm

lmfao you sound like me!!! i always gotta piss!!!
omg you my pissing twinkie!!
...ok so that doesnt sound right but oh well!!!
lol later

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