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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 6-30-2004 at 9:40pm
Music: Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Californication
Caught a rerun of 6 Feet under and got that taped for Jason. Saw a few movies: A River Runs Through It, American Gigolo, and I think there was a third that I’m forgetting. Got some cleaning done, killed the garbage disposal, got said disposal fixed, read through my retirement fund stuff, got another training packet done, and I think that’s about it for today.
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07-01-04 4:38pm

Wow, someone's been busy... did the garbage disposal break due to the massive amount of dishes chilling near it. ;-) Thanks for the 6' Feet.

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Re:, 07-01-04 4:50pm

Na, all the dishes were done Sunday night. I was getting rid of the carrots, lettuce, and onions you left in the fridge. Apparently, disposals don’t like raw carrots or at least not a whole bag at once.

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Re: Re:, 07-03-04 1:39am

No, not my carrots!!! You killed them (not very effectively, mind you)... and they were only babies!!!


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