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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 7-3-2004 at 9:53pm
Music: First to Last- Sick Little Suicide
Subject: Fuck today
I knew I should have just slept. Remind me to sleep more just isnt worth my sleeping time.

A.went over and used all of Brett's time- owe $60
B. We will go to the bank today
C. Check minutes- 200 of which are yours
D. If you go over again I want the phone back
Contract expires 7-22-05 then you are totally responsible. You help me with nothing. Why should I pay this? This was your b-day present last year.
2. Your attitude towards me- What have I done to make you hate me?
3. Your sexual behavior in this house.
4. Cleaning room, bathroom and clothes.
Especially after your father buys you a car. I help you to Colorado, etc

So I woke up this morning and found this downstairs on the table. I took it and hid it and cried for a really long time. Then my dad says we are all going to have a talk. So we sit down...I cry for another hour. She bullshits and he tries to play god. I dont have a sexual behavior in the house...they get mad because I talk to Sean with the lights off. And I get no repect. So my mom and I fight. Nothing was solved. Nothing.

I cried my way to Laurens and she calmed me down. Thanks're always there.

I went to work and nothing good happened.
I listened to the best song.
I got food at the neighbors and bit by mosquitos.
And here I am where I CANT do anything.
Im in a pretty bad mood. Screw it...

Im talking to Lisa...she loves me.

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07-04-04 6:18pm

Your right I do love you!


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07-05-04 7:50pm

I got yelled at for my sexual behavior a lot too. She didn't like if we layed on my bed with the lights off and the door wide open. It's sad.

I love you karlene! Let's hang out soon! Okay!? Good!

<3 bethany

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Re:, 07-05-04 10:46pm

Im not even aloud in my room let alone SIT on my bed with a guy. I guess laying down and keeping the lights off...sunlight or no disrespectful. How stupid of us not to know this Pookie.

Oh more year.

<3 you! And yes, we need to hang out soon!

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Re: Re:, 07-06-04 2:17pm

I called you Pookie...Im Pookie

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07-06-04 9:33am

the first thing im going to do when i start to take over the going to kill your mom...and ciara's too...thats just a start...what do you think....think it'll help. anyways...kill your mom with a potatoe ya


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Re:, 07-06-04 2:18pm

not necessary but thanks for the offer : )

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