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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 7-5-2004 at 10:41pm
Current mood: hot
Subject: work > work > work
So today I woke up...saw our new bird ... got a coffee and went to work for another 8 hours.

It was so busy today...I just wanted to go home...which I did at 7. I broght Sean with me. We didnt really do much...but we never do. I dont even remember the conversation. Oh well...I take after my mom.

So we have four birds now and we will have a fifth in about two weeks. Yes, five birds in one household.

Whatever...its so hot in here and my mom insists we dont need to turn on the air conditioning.

Whatever again.


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07-06-04 9:29am

cheer up. just kill the birds...or ill do it for you;). love ya


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Re:, 07-06-04 10:22am

whats up with you and killing everything!

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