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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 7-7-2004 at 8:47pm
Current mood: cheerful
Music: Not music but Family Guy <33
Subject: Talent Show Manana
I just recently discovered that TBS is showing "Family Guy" and I absouloutely love it ! This show is so f-ing random it's so great. If you don't have a sense of humor, you most likely would be offended by this show, but who could be !?!? Wow. I'm raving about a show. Anyways, today was a pretty good day. Our "shitter" hasn't shitted inawhile so thats good, i feel bad for her when she does because she's the only one who has done that. Oh well, shit happens haha. Mel and I decided to make a list of all the good-looking counselors at our job. It's ridiculous how many there are. We'll see how it ends up. Anyways tomorrow is the Talent Show for my kids and Genna got us a pink shirt that she's going to mark "Pink Ladies" on it because of our song "Summer Nights" and crap. I have to pay Genna her 2.99 for the shirt lol. Yeah...Oh I never talk about my weekend anymore probably because I never DO anything.

Friday: Me and Amanda went and saw Spider-Man 2, it was great. We saw Richie working..[he works at some Thai restraurant next to Mag]..he's the only 'American' that works there. He said he was standing next to some short Thai lady and she was like "Oh you got girls" - talking about myself and Amanda. So she asked..."Which one is yours, the black one ?" She thought I was ?! Oh well I'm getting close to it as Tyson says. I thought that was kinda weird/funny.

Saturday: I don't really think I did anything during the day, but at night I went out with Jason to a restraurant called "P.F. Chang Chinese Bistro". It was really good and I really enjoyed being with him. After that we went to his casa, and just hung out there...don't think otherwise =).

Sunday: It was 4th of July and I just went to the b-e-a-c-h beach with my mother. She really needs a boyfriend, i feel bad she's alone and if I went somewhere else for 4th she would have been alone and its not like my brother would accompany her cause he's in Philadelphia right now. Ehh. Oh well.

I can't wait till next week ! I'm so going to Orlando and missing two days of camp. Yay. I need a vacay and so does Amanda from all her drama. Well I think I'm done for now...


16 days until I can finally get my liscense !

"Stop your bitchin', suck it up, cry me a river, build a bridge, get over it and play ball"- Mike Riggio's saying to Amanda's f-ed up life [but not really.]

Classic Kool-Aid Man look in Family Guy:

- gotta love that !
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family guy, 07-08-04 12:43am

i love that show, it's on every night at 11:00 PM on adult swim. i watch it all the time!

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