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lisa3019 (profile) wrote,
on 7-7-2004 at 10:54pm
Current mood: giddy
Music: J-Kwon - You & Me
....:*juhs you-n-me*:....

Okay, for my "final plea", these were the comments that were made...

Subject: i do!
From: xxinterrupted
@ 07-07-04 6:19pm

i read your journal!

Subject: Hi
From: annonymous
@ 07-07-04 6:24pm

i read this

Subject: It's a comment!
From: whispers-to-a-scream
@ 07-07-04 6:39pm

Hullo. You commented in my journal, so I'll comment in yours. Seems you're desperate for comments. Don't that you've stumbled across mine, I'll be here to comment for you. :) Haha. Mind if I add you as a friend?

You seem sweet. <3


Subject: none
From: anonymous
@ 07-07-04 7:18pm

I read your xanga faithfully. please do not take it out.

Subject: none
From: anonymous
@ 07-07-04 7:49pm

I read it occasionally, you know to see what you've been doing since I don't get to talk to you a lot

..Thanks to everyone that showed sum luhv.
To the "*faithful*" woohu reader: thanks for paying so much attention.
To the "*occasional check-up*": sorry we don't talk that much, you can give me a call or somethin if you want.
To the other annonymous reader: thanks so much to you too because you were the first comment *besides Jena*.

If someone else wants to comment they can.
Anyone can comment whenever they want, to any entry they want, if you have somethin to say about it, say it!!


Today I did pretty much nothing!!
I cleaned my room up, and re-organzied my closet.
I downloaded a bunch of songs, and that's pretty much all I did.

Which reminds me, if anyone wants to do antyhing, give me a call sometime, I hang out with like 2 people everyday... You know I would want to chill, so just hit me up.

24 Days Until Sarah's Birthday!!!

Advice: Make it a habit to compliment atleast 3 separate people a day.

That's all... *.::peas::.*
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thanks., 07-08-04 1:09am

i think that picture is cute to, my sister anna took it for me. matter what jim does to me, i can't be without him. blah; guys stink! lol


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07-08-04 2:33pm

Arg. Well...just a comment...
Hehe. Sorry I just signed off without saying bye yesterday. But, things got really busy and I just had to go.

So...I'm soo so so sorry!


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