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puddlejumper526 (profile) wrote,
on 7-9-2004 at 2:01pm
Current mood: awake
Music: watchin tv
Subject: just another update
hiiya! felt like it's been awhile since i updated so i'm doing so now.

The Fourth turned out not too bad, we went and drove around looking at fireworks and caught the last bit of the show @ the fairgrounds. All in all i didn't do shit, but that's alright.

I talked to Austin that night. What a joke. He kept dropping though bullshit lines like.. oo i miss you.. i miss all the times we had and when i could hold you in my arms.. you were the best girlfriend i ever had.. yada yada. you get the picture i'm sure. Yeah. DEFinitely didn't mean it. Not one bit. I'm sick of guys acting like they care, but really.. THEy DONt. i'm fucking sick of it. It's like they have one good day out of the week and then the next day it feels like they're just bullshittin ya. i'm sick of it.

o well. life goes on i guess.
fuckin bastards.
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oh pookie, 07-10-04 7:59pm

but i love you!! & yes, i really do mean it.

xoxo; sneaky sneaky

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