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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 7-12-2004 at 11:31pm
Current mood: drowsy
Music: none
Subject: Pay Day [candy bar right ? ]
Today was an exceptionally good day. Woke up at 7 extrememly pissed off because I did not want to go to work. I was so tired from this weekend. The weekend was fun but unfortunately I am too drowsy/lazy to write about it. Great stuff though =). Haha, I just got my regularly scheduled drunken phone call by Eric Baum, he hasn't called me in awhile [drunk] so it was getting kinda unusual that he hasn't called me. It's great ! Anyways, today at work for about an hour and a half my throat was hurting and i felt weak/like I was going to die so when I got home (hours later), I took 2 medicine pills. It didn't start to hit me until like an hour later and wow the drowsiness has never hit me so hard before. I just layed in bed and everything felt like it was moving except me. I went to sleep for a little don't know how long, I drifted in and out. I was going to go to Ashley's to see the movie "Thirteen" that Jamie let me borrow but she had already made plans to go to Veterans park and watch Seann and all them play basketball...but I understand =). Tomorrow Genna is going to be group leader for a day because Bree isn't going to be there. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and fast. Oh yeah, I got paid today hence the topic, the pay sucks but oh well. After work/camp I went with Mike [the one who chooses Simpsons as a better show than Family Guy...but I'm not hating] to his kid's room then the library but they were closing so back to the Starlings room we went, he's so random I love it ! I don't even know if that all made sense but whatevva...I do what I want. Yesterday was Phillip's birthday, finally got a cellular device yay ! Anyways I think I'm done with this yeah. Bye.


11 days untill I can finally get my liscense !

Happy Birthday Phil [yesterday] !
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07-12-04 11:56pm

wow you actually didnt wanna go to work today ! WIRED ! I soooo dont wanna go to work tomorrow ! Today was horrible and now tomorrow and wednesday is gonna be horrible bc of work ! Thank GOD we are going out of town for like 4 days ! Ill need that ! . . . <3 xoxo

love your lover..

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