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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 7-18-2004 at 5:03pm
Current mood: happy happy joy joy
Music: the wonderful sound of a pounding hammer.
Subject: Sparta town and country days ROCK!!!!!
I had a kick bootay weekend! Yesterday we took the Falcon and my grandparents coupe up to the town and country days car show. It was sooo fun!! We watched the parade then got lunch came back and chilled. Of course we looked at all the cars and talked to friends of my grandma's. Then we were gonna' cruise to Rosie's but we didn't cuz it was gonna' rain and the coupe has no hood. It does... but it doesn't fit. So anyway, today we went to the tractor races. It was AWESOME!!!!!! My grandparents and mom are friends w/ Jim and Donna Macula (sp?). Jason, their son, is sooo the coolest person in the world. He's way older than me so no I don't like him... but he's just so awesome. His wife had her baby yesterday so he skipped the parade. But he raced today and kicked everyones butts... he was the only one on the lead lap! It was awesome. He lapped his own father! lol. Course right after that Jim's ti-rod (sp?) broke so he had to stop anyway. But it was cool. Jason's sister, Brandy, and her baby, emma, were there. I got to hold emma. she's the cutest little thing ever. When the races started she kept making noise to drown out the noise of the tractors. It was so adorable!! Oh and guess what?! I have decided to become a tractor racer. How cool would that be?? It looks super fun! My grandpa said he'd make me a racing engine if I did. Greatness. I really want to! You only have to be 13 so I could. I wanna' be like Jason. He's SO good. And he's nice. He gave his trophy to this little kid he didn't even know. AND he signed it! How awesome is that? It was so sweet. So yea, it was cool.

Well about it for me. Love ya' mucho. Adios. Rock on.

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07-19-04 3:37pm

you are so lucky...the falcon AND the coupe in one day?!!!! i ... i .... wah!!! i wanna ride in the coupe. lol. but the cobra went by the other day *faints at the thought* and mig said there was a red one at MC BODY SHOP a few days ago
ooo i'll tractor race w/ ya!

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