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sammibaby (profile) wrote,
on 7-19-2004 at 12:20am
Current mood: hyperrr
Music: toxic :(
Subject: been hittin' up the town
last night i went to the movies with amy, to see Dodgeball. it was alright, nothing special. and definitely not what it was worked up to be. then her parents came to pick us up..and took us to Dominic's for pizza. it was a lotta fun hanging out with her and then her padres. got took me to walmart to develop even more film. i learned how to use those cool computer thingys that can develop your pictures from a disc. hehe--sammi had fun. went to block buster, rented Mystic River. a.w.e.s.o.m.e. movie by the way. we also went to Dunkin' Doughnuts to get some, well, doughnuts and iced coffees. yeah, tried them- they're gross. never again.

today, i got emails from my buddies sameen and amara. felt loved. wrote both of them back. afterwards, i went bowling with some friends. fun stuff--throwing the ball and still doing better than almost everyone. haha- in your face kelly! then i was gonna go home, but chiara decided otherwise. so we went to walmart [its becoming a second home lol] to pick up my pictures and got some candy. scared a few people with our weirdness. next on the list was Coldstones. let's just say i died and went to heaven in there. holy crap that was some good ice cream. lol. gonna have to go there more often. last stop was a friends house. stayed for over an hour- just talking and such. got home 11:45ish. its been awhile since i've stayed out like that. i miss that. after i got home, i framed more pictures. made me happy. :) and guess where im going tomorrow..? thats right- walmart to develop pictures from the end of school. i cant wait to see them!! well im off for the night. tata for now. x0x0.

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07-19-04 11:06am is tha place ta be!! really didnt like dodgeball??..hmm..havent seen it yet..i heard it was really funny tho..i wanna see mystic river just over here kinda ta ya soon!!..x0x0

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