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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 7-22-2004 at 11:47pm
Current mood: crushed
Music: Mama he's crazy - The Judds
um letting go of the person you love is hard, but when its nessicary you gotta do it. yeah and i dont know how to spell nessicary i just...yeah. anyways life is full of heart aches, we all move on in the end.
last night i spent the night with gramma and she had a little baby over there, just 6 weeks old, name was Yvette, and she was the prettiest little thing. i want a baby so bad but yeah gotta hold off till i get hitched first....and having sex might help too. yeah. im like depressed now. not because of the baby thing anyways i dont know i just...well i dont know screw it. Night
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07-26-04 10:31am

Life is full of heart aches. But you're right, we all move on in the end.

I hope you feel better. ( ;

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