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box (profile) wrote, on 7-24-2004 at 12:17pm | |
Quote of the day.. Brian - Yea im into paintball not cars...I have a tippman 98, Response Trigger, with a flatline and an evo hopper that i can shoot 27bps.. Brian =A friend of richards stepdad.. the sad thing is he is 26 and he says that. He also said that he things tippmanns are the best guns to own and he would never own anything other. i tell him they are too huge and he says "No, Tippmanns are the most compact gun you can buy" Astonished at his ignorance i mention a bko or a mag being half the size of his gun, and he says "no, shockers are the smallest gun you can buy, this dude i know has a 99 shocker and its small and really quiet" lol.. To make things short.. I owned this dude in an argument |
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Anonymous | 07-24-04 3:18pm lol.....yeah i guess if you like toting a brick with a frame on oldschool shocker....being lightweight, insane in the fucking membrane.