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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 7-28-2004 at 11:21pm
Current mood: depressed
Music: Here without you - 3 Doors Down
no one loves me no more!! no one writes anything to me. im sad and lonely
*hangs my head and walks away into the dark*
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07-28-04 4:16pm

Aww! I'm sorry! I've been away in kentucky with no compy, so I haven't been able to comment!

But, I'm back! And I can be your comment whore again! Heheh!

I loooove you!

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Re:, 07-28-04 11:32pm

yay! you're back! *dances*
lmao yeah i been busy as hell too.
Ohhh kentucky...i wanna go there *sighs*
ermmm...ok im gonna go moon my sis so see ya later!

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Re: Re:, 07-29-04 11:21am

You want to go to kentucky? Why? There is nothing to do up there, and you're sourounded by hickerbillys, and their idea of a date is going out to pick corn, and their ways of flirting are old and primitive. Heh. The only good thing up there is the sky at night. ..Pitch black with thousands of beautiful stars that seem like they are shining just for you, only to be outshined by the glorious moon shining for the whole world to see....

Moon your sis? Alright...I won't ask...Haha.

Talk to you later!

<3 --Megan

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Re: Re: Re:, 07-29-04 11:30am

lmfao sounds like i'd be right at home up there. lmfao never heard of us refered to as 'hickerbillys' though. lmao very wonderful and original. yeah i mooned my sis, shes a psycho and she was talkin to her boyfriend on the phone so it was the only thing i could think of to do to get her attention.
Anywhores i think i wanna go up there just to see the sky now lol love ya girl

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