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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote,
on 7-29-2004 at 8:07pm
Music: the deafening silence
Subject: My Wasting
I just crave to write. My only friend. Everytime I'm about to write, I check when I last wrote. I have no life, why pretend as if I am too busy to write in this thing. Cause I'm not.

No one has a fairy tale life. But I'm such a waste of perfectly fine soul, body, and spirit. I'm taking up all the good air everyone else should be enjoying. I wait for the minutes to pass infront of me, so aware of time, it's almost sickening.

I await better times, and I await times to look forward to. My life is like Las Vegas, you never know whether you'll win or lose.

I wish I was a bubble, I wish I could just pop. I'm so sick of living.
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07-31-04 6:58pm

We're all sick of living, but we have to hold on. I don't mean to sound like a therapist or anything, But, I'm for real.

Sometimes I wish I could be a bubble too. That way I can feel high without doing drugs. Heheh.

You're not a waste. Someone out there needs you. And right now, they need you to stay alive.

I was just passing through random journals, and something made me want to comment. Feel free to come to my journal, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

Take care. And I mean that.


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Re:, 07-31-04 10:39pm

"Isn't it ironic how a stranger, as nice as the stranger might be, is the one to make you feel better, instead of your so-called "friend"?
I wanna thank you for posting that comment. When you wrote that I realized you're right, there are many more people than I imagined that want me to stay alive, that really do need me.
When the sky is darkest, it's just too hard to see through sometimes..
Thanks for helping me, it means more than you know.


Friends aren't always there for you. I hate to say it, but we all know it's true. I think strangers are the best people to cheer you up. Because, we don't know about you, but we still show that we care about you and your life.

Writting you that comment made me realize some things too.

I'm just happy I could be there for you, and I want you to know I'll always be here for you in the future.

Mind if I add you as a friend?


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