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goobs827 (profile) wrote,
on 8-1-2004 at 8:40pm
Current mood: weird
Subject: Just Got Paid...Fri---Sunday Night :)
Blah, I knew this day would come. I haven't updated in a while, and I just have to update even though I don't really want to. I just have to. Blah.

Where did I leave off? Edgemont? Okay, yeah so I'm here upstate for good. It's been a little slow but I think it's gonna be fun. I've been hanging out with Meredith a lot so that's been cool. I guess it's just hard to break into your second home...I still feel like I'm staying in someone's house. But I'm really excited for friends and family to come up. REALLY excited for things to fall into place.

Then there's work...I work at this stand at the race track selling famous horse photos--sounds horrible but it's not bad--I do a lot of people watching, people come and talk to me when it's slow, and it's very fun when I get sales and get to be all professional. The people I work with are great too. My weekends are a little distorted though, Monday and Tuesday. It's fine but I think I'll love it when it's super busy. I hope so at least.

Plus, my handicapping skills are SICK...I've been winning so many bets and I give tips to customers and then if they're right they have to come back and buy something.

Have I mentioned how much I MISS everyone. It's insane. I need my stellars. I hope people can come visit :-/ ...every once in a while I'm just like "WAIT, why am I so EMPTY-feeling?" It's like a part of me is incomplete :(

How about them Yankees, eh? Adios Jose...and adios Nomah--ha.

I can't really get this lump (metaphorical lol) off of my's like I'm scared to have fun and that I'm not gonna have fun. There's just a lot of things I hope to be able to do and I hope work out. I also miss my tiny jockey friend Rudy...he's so cute/cool. I need to hang out with him more--even though he's like 30 lol. And I think I may be babysitting John Velasquez's kids...that's like kind of a scary responsibility :?)

Bottom Line: It's like I have it all planned in my mind of how i want this trip to work out. I hope it does. I hope it effing does.

Blah, I'm so confused about soccer...It starts so fucking early and I'd miss like at least 2 weeks of preseason and I just don't knoooow. Eeeeeks. And I hate the fact that I have to make a decision.

Tomorrow drive-in to see The Village (even though it sucks, Cheriii)... I think that will help tame the "lump."

Oh, and I think I've acheived the impossible--I've met a really NICE guy...his dad's a jockey--muy cool.

Well, I hope everyone's having fun...miss you all.

anddddddd i'm off...xo
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i love how everyone uses "effing" now lol, 08-03-04 2:06am

i hope ur trip works out just the way u planned it :) thatd be super cool wudnt it lol the village def wuznt the BEST movie wuz..okay lol oh and dont worry - i have that empty feeling too..lately im just super depressed about everything and it sux a lot and soccer starting so early duznt help either :( but if u decide to play (if thats the decision u need to make) ill be there with ya during hell (preseason) lol ilusm! xoxo -cheri

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Re: i love how everyone uses, 08-03-04 2:05pm

lol, thanks so much--hopefully we'll all just lighten up for these last few weeks of summer...enjoy! i'll see u at soccer (maybe) :) xoxo lyl

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08-03-04 3:36pm

oh la la, a boy for my gabi? right on mamacita!

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