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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 8-2-2004 at 4:07pm
Current mood: cheerful
Subject: it's raining it's pouring...
dang am i glad we got out of work when we did. it's coming down HARD! and i can hear the thunder already. so, i had a much better day today. we complained about the morons in our crew... well actually, our crew leader complained... but still. so they got taken out, yay! today we had cory cain, jeremy laatz, peter, katie falk, shelly, shawna, me, and these two guys who don't talk. it was fun. jeremy, shelly, cory, and i were having this massive tassel fight... it was great fun.

so yea, my grandma-ma is here now! yay!!! she only comes once a year and stays for a week at our house, a week w/ my aunt jeri, and a week w/ my aunt ida (her sister). it's fun when she comes! next year we get to go back to her house. i'm already looking forward to it. i love it there, plus it means seeing her twice a year instead of just once! yay!!!

this friday i'm spending the night at my aunt's house and i'm going to the coast guard festival w/ her then again saturday and then i'm coming home sunday. i get to watch the parade and the musical fountain! it's gonna' rock. plus emalie and brad are my two favorite cousins and abby can be pretty cool too. so i'm mucho excited! can't wait. well i g2g now. check ya' later. hehe. love ya' adios.

-Jacquelyn Jean-
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hehe, 08-02-04 4:48pm

Click here!

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08-02-04 7:35pm

i hope you fall off a cliff.

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08-02-04 10:43pm

Fuck you.

You're so fucking immature. Disney Soundtracks? What the hell.

Oh and tell your fat ass friend to lose some weight. Soon.

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..., 08-02-04 11:12pm

I'm not afraid to be public and admit that I think you should pay with the pain of others with your life.

[That means I hope you die.]

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