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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 8-3-2004 at 7:47pm
Current mood: angry
Subject: I'm so sick of you people.
For those of you who don't even know me who have just been saying bad things about or to me for no good reason could ya' just grow up. Yea, "you caused me one problem, now you should die" that's mature. Now lets go play ring-around-the-rosy! yay!! I'm sorry if I upset people with my opinion, but it's my fricken journal and if you have such a problem with it then don't read it!! I'm sorry if you hate me because of work, when it comes down to it I probably dislike you as well, so that's no biggie. I'm sorry that I happen to think it's fun to listen to old music just for fun, and I'm sorry that I like movies that have morals and that can make me feel like a little kid whos biggest concern was scrapping her knee. I'm sorry that you all hate me because you'll hate anyone your friends hate, because that's what alot of you seem to have done. But what I'm truly sorry for is making my friend, a friend that I've had since I was 2 years old think I didn't like her, and think that I didn't want her near me. I'm sorry if I made her and her boss have a problem with eachother. But I honestly think that she'd have been more mad if her 3 friends would've been taken out and she had been left. Which would've been what had happened if we would've told Ellen only about the ones who truly upset us.

So there ya' go. You can think I'm a whiney, spoiled little brat if you want. You can think that I'm hateful and that I should die. You can think whatever you want about me, because I don't care what you think. I care what Kate thinks. Because Kate has been the only friend that has stood by me since we first met. And hopefully she still will, even after how stupid I've been to her. I'm sorry Kate. It was stupid of me to think that you wouldn't stand up for me, and it was stupid of me not to talk to you about what was bothering us. I should've known you'd understand. And by the way, we really didn't have a problem with your music. I thought it was good.

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hmm.., 08-03-04 8:23pm

So you're trying to tell us that you put four people out of a job because you were lying to your boss about not liking their music?

That's an odd way to make friends...

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Re: hmm.., 08-03-04 8:33pm

omg! it's not about the fricken music!!!! it never was. and i did not put 4 people out of a job. ellen dislikes kaylen... she said that to me one day. she likes kate, she doesn't know why she hangs out w/ the people she does and does the things she does, but she likes her just the same because shes known her a long time. and i was not trying to make friends. i don't want to be friends w/ them. except kate. because she was my best friend in the world for many years, and losing her as a friend would be horrible. that's just how it is, okay?

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Re: Re: hmm.., 08-03-04 8:48pm

Too bad how it is isn't how it really is, isn't it?

Don't let me confuse you too much, but Kate "hangs out w/ the people she does and does the things she does" because she likes the people she hangs out with, and the music they listen to, and the things they do.

"i don't want to be friends w/ them. except kate. "

Too bad that's not how it works, right? You can't have someone as a friend and not like their friends. That's like denying them as a person with other friends. Pretty selfish and shallow, too, I might add.

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Re: Re: Re: hmm.., 08-03-04 9:34pm

alright.. i dont know about this situation and dont care, and i dont even know you, but let me tell you that you can have people as friends and not like their other friends..thats not selfish and shallow at all.. people have differnt tastes in friends and ur whole line "You can't have someone as a friend and not like their friends. That's like denying them as a person with other friends. Pretty selfish and shallow, too," Makes no since at all.. I bet you alot of people out there have alot of friends.. and some of their friends have other friends that they do not like.. that doesnt change them as a person. See it would if they were mean and snobby to their friends other friends and didnt respect them. As long as they Respect them, they dont have to like them. Just thought id voice that.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: hmm.., 08-03-04 9:48pm

There's a difference between not liking "SOME" of their friends, and not liking "ALL" of their friends. So it does make "since".

And as far as I can tell, all Jacqui-chan's friends are mean, snobby and disrespectful to all kate's friends.

Wouldn't it just make you a little bit uncomfortable knowing that a person who wants to hang out with you doesn't like ANY of your friends?

I think that knowing someone for 8 years and still not liking their taste in music and their taste in friends is kind of shallow or selfish. And not sticking up for your friends' friends is just as bad.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hmm.., 08-03-04 9:54pm

You are right with the first statement, like i said i dont know whats going on in this situation. Im sorry for sticking my nose in this business, and in not snobby or disrespectful to kates friends, maybe i dont know them that well at all, if i even know them at all. Maybe some of jacqui's friends are, and ya you are right it would make me uncomfortable knowing that someone who wants to hang out w/ you, doesnt like any of my friends, ive been there.. I wasnt trying to stick up for jacqui or start an arguement, im sorry i said anything.

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08-03-04 9:01pm

Kate, Stacy and Lisa kept complaining about our music so we listened to theirs, remind me never to agree to that again. I don't tend to like people screaming at me to a beat. Kinda' stupid.
And by the way, we really didn't have a problem with your music. I thought it was good.

Get your story straight.

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08-03-04 9:11pm

Making fun of OLD music? OLD MUSIC? what in gods name is your problem. i will honestly give you 5 dollars if you go find someone to tell me honestly that Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marly, and floyd have to musical talent. im not saying everyone loves them, but everyone still respects them.

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Re:, 08-16-04 9:55pm

not that kind of old. old as in, listened to it in 5th grade type old. stupid popy music that is just so stupid it's funny. if i hear anybody make fun of classic rock, i'll smack them.

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08-04-04 1:07pm

i love you jacqui. u rock!

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08-10-04 12:20pm

With all of these people not likeing you, you need to remember one thing...I started not likeing you BEFORE it was cool. :)

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