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box (profile) wrote,
on 8-4-2004 at 4:55pm
Okay, Here is the deal with the concert. My mom is no longer paying for my tickets. So I cant afford to pay for myself and 3 other people.

If anyone wants to go its 37 bucks per ticket to order them online. If you can get the money to me by friday ill order them. I was going to order them today untill i found out i had to pay for them.

If nobody wants to go and or they cant afford it just let me know becuase i have lots of parts i need to order for my car.
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08-04-04 6:03pm

well, i have no money, so unless brad ever feels like fucking paying me back. i doubt im going to go.

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08-05-04 1:46am

i can give you 37 friday. call me

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