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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 8-4-2004 at 5:10pm
You know that Seinfeld episode where Elaine's boyfriend is rendered unfunctionable when the "Desperado" song comes on. Well I feel something similar when U2's "With Or Without You" comes on. It came on, on the radio at work today and I just got the chills. That song has such an immense effect on me.
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haha love the seinfeld reference, 08-04-04 10:39pm

not like this will come as a surprise, but that song does the same thing to me. man.

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Wow, 08-04-04 11:52pm

I was just talking to someone the other day about what an effect that song has on me.


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08-05-04 2:30pm

I actually get like that too.

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08-05-04 7:49pm

that song positively freezes me. no matter what i'm doing and what mood i'm in, when that song comes on, i freeze. it's so.... powerful.

wow, there's like a whole bunch of us isn't there? we should for ma support group.

"hello, my name is toto.."

"hello, toto..."

"it has been 5 days since i last listened to THE SONG"


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