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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 8-30-2004 at 8:58pm
Current mood: happy
Music: I want to break free -the C2 commercial
Subject: more pencils more books more teachers dirty looks. ain't school grand?
So orientation was today. lovely. Pinhead talked forever about stupid crap, lectured us about the dress code then let everyone else lecture us about the other stuff. FUN! lol. But hey, it was worth it to see everybody again. I missed them all. So far I have at least one friend in all my classes! Sweetness mucho!!

Here's my schedule:

1: sophmore comp and lit -Millard
2: geometry -neier
3: chemistry -jungking
4: government -london
5: spanish 2 -warwick
6:intro to drawing and design -dufty

That's it. I enjoy it. It's a good schedule.

So does anyone know when lunches are or is that a first day thing to find out?? I wanna' know though! That's the single best hour of the day!!

Well I'll talk to ya'll later. Have a good last week of summer. Rock on.

Hasta Luego friends!

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08-30-04 11:00pm

DAmn SHIT FUCK ASS GOD i have another class with you this year.
O well see you then in 3rd hour

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Re:, 09-02-04 2:50pm

isn't it fun! lol. you just set the record for the amount of swear words in one sentence.

see ya' in school.

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08-30-04 11:08pm

i have 3rd hour w/ you

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