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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 1-25-2003 at 8:54am
Current mood: aggravated
Subject: God damnit!
THIS IS THE 4TH WEEKEND IN A ROW THAT NO ONE WILL TAKE ME SHOPPING! Everyone is too damn lazy to want to do anything! THIS IS FOOKING REDICULUS!!!!!!I have 80$ I've been waiting to go to the mall forever! But no..this is another weekend where no one will take me. I'm tired of waiting! I'VE WAITED 28 days!
we either go today or tomorrow or i'll be soo pissed.
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01-25-03 9:46am

Not to worry amy! Sheely to the rescue!

Mall today! YES! This is gonna be fun.............................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to go get ready.... bye!

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