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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 1-25-2003 at 6:58pm
Current mood: accomplished
Music: My song on my journal
Subject: The day I went To heaven no one would take me shopping today..I was so pissed. BUT THEN! I saw light...the light of sheelys moms headlights on her car as they drove up my driveway....Sheely had to go to the mall to get her mum a present so she said I could come. I LOVE SHEELY. At the beginning in the car and at the fabric store I dont know why but i felt some tension between us a little...I mean..after the fights we've been through like a couple days was awquard for a while. But she warmed up to me and we were just back to being the good 'ole best friends that be should be. After today I remember why I liked sheely so much.

What I got-
*Leather hot pink studded belt

*leather black star studded bracelet

* pink wrist band with star on it

*black and white striped wristband

*thick hemp necklace with light purple beads wolven into it.

*Sweater from AE

*Shirt from AE

*Jeans from JC. penney.

EEK!! i've accomplished so much. A new out fit and some new accessories!!! AHHAHAH!! SO HAPPY!
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01-25-03 8:21pm

Sorry about the "tension" It wasn't you...Right before you had got in the car moo and I had been crying because we were in a fight with my matter how perfect everyone tells you she is she has her annoying side...trsut me...but I love her.

I had funtoday Amy!

I love my amy!

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Re:, 01-26-03 5:18pm

Its ok sheely!

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