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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 9-8-2004 at 8:06pm
Current mood: cranky
Music: Jet, Are you gonna' be my girl
Subject: You look so fine that I really wanna' make you mine.
Okay so, school started yesterday. I love my classes, I love my teachers... most of them, and I love the people in my classes. So that's cool. So far it's super happy.

Mi madre scheduled my heart thingy for November 10th. So I will be out of school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... though she said we'd see how I felt Friday and see if I wanted to go... so yea. But after that I can't do anything insanely physical for about a month. Lovely... good thing I don't play winter sports. But I'll be all cool by softball, thank the lord. So yea, that's the update on that subject.

Ya' know the more I go to school the more I dislike being home. That happened last year too, but not this soon. Hmm... odd.

We had a match today. M-dawg and I got our butt's kicked... even though we both served fairly well and played fairly well too. I just don't get it. Oh well... that's how it goes. Tomorrow we have a match at Grant. I hope we do better there... because this week I'm merely considering as practice for the tournament on Saturday. I hope we do well! Oh and by the way... do our uniforms really make us look like cheerleaders?? Cuz Andrew (i don't know his last name) asked us if our uniforms were new cuz he thought we were cheerleaders. lol. I thought it was funny but he really did think that. ha. whatever.

Well I better go now. Love ya'll. Adios.

-Jeanie Bean-

Heather, "you're just a really stupid girl. uh huh, i know..." lol. *wink*
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09-08-04 9:52pm

"i don't wanna be an astronaut so i'll take my's a brand new monkey he can take my place........ CUZ YOUR JUST A REALLY STUPID GIRL uh huh!!" lol love it

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Re:, 09-09-04 7:43pm

oh yea, gotta' love it!!!! hahaha!

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