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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 9-10-2004 at 4:34pm
Current mood: hungry
Music: none
Subject: Not another one . . .
Well, Hurricane Frances is over. Yet now there is another Hurricane coming. . . Hurricane Ivan. It might not but you never know. The power was out for 5 days and it finally came back on yesterday. It was quite funny though, because everyone around us like across the street or near Boca Palms, they all had power. And yesterday afternoon I said "Man it's not fair, everyone else has power but us" and p o o f the power comes on. It was such a glorifying moment. All's good now though, and feeling air has never felt better. No more playing Monopoly by Corey. This morning ruined my mood. I woke up at 7:05 a.m. and I knew I wouldn't make it to school on time, cause I still had to get ready, pick up Amanda and then get there. Oh well, I got to school around 8:10ish all by myself.

1st Period - Psychology - Well since I walked into this class late, I was kind of iffy about what Mr. Michaelson would say. I walked in and he gave me this ::gasp:: face but it was a funny ::gasp:: face. So I said "I'm sorry I'm late". There was more to the conversation but nothing that would interest you. We didn't really do much in this class, except finished vocab and thats it.

2nd Period - Law Studies - Okay maybe the contents of the barrel is what is inside ? I had this Silly Law or Dumb Law I would rather call it and my Law was "It is illegal to roll a barrel down any street, fines go up depending on the contents of the barrel" Can someone tell me what that really means ? I confused myself or did I ?

3rd Period - Liberal Arts Math - I'm really not liking my teacher anymore and neither is Eric P. He did suggest that we should switch into Criegs class but I dunno. I really despise Math.

4th Period- Chemistry - Eric B. got a referral today for saying "F u c k" hahaha. He gets so mad and outtttrageous. Mr. Puttles was a little hard on him but he'll get over it. Corey got moved to the front row today for 'turning around too much', I was kinda upset and Corey was too. He said "Pfft" to Mr. Puttles. It's actually Mr. Putnam but Eric B. got me saying Puttles, I love it !

Tonight I'm finally going to see Without a Paddle with Amanda, Richie, Eric B. & Coremeister. I've been waiting forever because I heard it was really good. Anyways, my mom bought another computer to start something new with this working-at-home kinda thing, and my brother just told me he's going to buy his own computer, so this computer will be mine...that's awesome, just thought i'd throw that in.

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09-11-04 12:04am

coremeister? what a fag

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Re:, 09-11-04 12:28am

lol Corey I love how you call yourself that...

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