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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 9-11-2004 at 11:32pm
Current mood: tired
Subject: It's late... at least it is for me.
so my parents fell asleep and steph and i were watching the race... so now we get to do whatever we want and go to bed whenever we want. lol. awesomeness.

okay, well, i went bowling last night w/ steph, amy, and ariana. it was fun. then ariana spent the night so that we could go to the tourny together today. we stayed up really late doing our nails though so i was mucho tired this morning. i had about 3 cups of coffee total. and a donut... and bacon and eggs... and lot's of water. so i pretty much woke myself up! lol. anyway. m-dawg and i won 1 game and lost 2... over-all cedar came in 3rd out of 4... yippee!! lol. but since it was our first tourny i don't care. we play at EGR on monday... then sparta wednesday... sparta we'll kill... but east... we'll be killed. oh well, what can ya' do?

well i best be off now. much love ya'll. hasta luego.

-Jay Bean-

tan to white... lol. flip flops rock!! *wink wink* hehe. i love you! bye bye.
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09-12-04 4:40pm

not monday Jaq. it's just practice. *(i'm not coming he he) and oh my you should see my tanline from the dress its 100000 times worse than my feet. i wore flip flops just for you today!

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Re:, 09-13-04 6:23pm

lol. that's great... i feel so loved!

oh, and i figured out that it was tuesday like 2 minutes after i wrote it, but i really didn't feel like fixing it. hehe. lazy me.

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