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Beagle147 (profile) wrote,
on 9-12-2004 at 4:10pm
Current mood: lethargic
Ugh....eventful week.

Hurricane came and went. Not much damage, but not much electricity either. We lost power for like an hour on friday afternoon because of a down powerline near us, but it came back. We lost it again at 9 o'clock saturday morning and it didn't come back until 8 o'clock wednesday night. I had to go to kristen's house (What day was that? Tuesday?) to charge some stuff, and shelly and her brother were there enjoying the electricity too. We watched the Perfect Score and hung out a bit, watched some game shows, went out to dinner, then I had to head home before the stupid curfew was in place. I made a video of the whole storm, which I still have yet to watch, but it should be interesting. Will left Tuesday afternoon, and officially postponed my dad's and my birthdays until next weekend. My friends did not get that memo. o.~ Went over to Amalia's house for a party with her, Amanda, Kristen, and a bunch of 14 year olds. ("Can you drive?") We watched the end of the Neverending Story, which I still don't get, and then I once again had to beat the curfew home. This time I was mucho late, but no cop is going to send me to jail for being out past 10 on my 18th birthday. Thanks guys for the party-ish. I will have a real one soon, I promise. I'm leaning towards the 25th, but it depends on my mom since she's having surgery on friday. So things are pretty much up in the air on that one.

Yesterday my parents and I went furniture shopping (not as boring as it sounds, I like furniture shopping) and bought a new dinette set. The table and chairs we currently have were purchased before Will was born. So that's getting here like next tuesday or whatever.

I've been pretty anti-social lately and I'm not sure why. We haven't had school for over a week, and I've seen my friends like twice in that time. *shrug* Maybe we'll do something later. Anywho...I think we're going back to school Tuesday? I haven't heard anything conclusive on that one. I really don't miss it. I have some work to do, mostly on college apps, and I have to ask ms Kelly about national merit stuff. Someone remind me again to make an appointment with ms kelly. I need to do that sooner rather than later. I guess that's all that's been happening. Oh, I did go out and buy some lottery tickets, and I have yet to win, but I'll keep my hopes up. I feel so weird being 18. Like 18 is the age that when you're little you always say "I'll never be 18" and "I'm moving out on my 18th birthday." Yeah, neither of those turned out to be true. But what can I say...I was young and stupid. 18 comes with a lot of stuff though. It's not useless like 17. I can drive at all hours now. And I can buy porn and cigarettes and lottery tickets. And I can vote. And I no longer have to make empty threats of leaving to my parents. Oh wait, yes I do...I don't have any money. But I can still sign myself out of school. I feel important. Go me.
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09-13-04 9:40am

you forgot being able to serve alcohol! now go serve some, damn you!

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Re:, 09-13-04 9:21pm


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