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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 9-16-2004 at 6:34pm
Current mood: dorky
Music: Can't fight this feeling.
Subject: I talked to JAKE!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jake was online and I talked to him! I'm so happy!!!!!!! I miss him mucho! He apparently misses people here too, his name was 'Missing You'. It is way too weird not having him around. I wish I could see him... *tear*.

Okay stopping w/ the saddness before I cry.

So I guess Josh broke up w/ Sam...? Weird. They looked so going outish this morning... hmm. Oh well, not my business I'll just butt out now.

We don't have practice tomorrow. YAY! Kinda'... but yea. So I just get to come home. Ariana's probably coming over after school to hang out w/ me and then we're going to the game together, and after that we're going to go bowling. Coolness mucho.

Yea, that's actually about it. Odd. Oh wait, no it's not!

Today I was hanging out w/ Steph and Ellie in the band hallway and I said something to Ellie and Robuck's like "who is this strange person" and ellie's like "me? you know me!" and he said "no her" and pointed to me! So I was like "i'm her sister" and pointed to Steph. And then he asked why I wasn't in band! lol. He's like "why isn't she in band, I like her." to steph. It was really funny. I felt so loved. He's like "you don't have to be good at playing, you just have to make me laugh" because i said i didn't know how to play anything but a drumset. lol. It was sooo cool! hehe. But yea, that was my dorky conversation. lol.

Well I suppose I'll go now... I'll talk to ya'll later.

Love mucho.


Hyde, thanks for the CD chica! Me gusta mucho!! Es muy bien!!!!
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09-16-04 9:23pm

no problema Jekyll!!!!

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